Monday, April 4, 2011


For my first blog entry, I would like to basically start out with what I would call a "proposal" for my project. My project over the course of the semester will encompass women with tattoos and will culminate to give us a greater idea of how women are shown in the media with tattoos. Being the year 2011, there are many different facets of "media" to observe when taking this into account. These include but are not limited to print, television, movies, advertisements... the list goes on and on. Rather than do what is shown in print, I will mostly show you what comes up on the Internet, because quite frankly this is an outlet almost everyone uses in some way while other media sources are a dying breed. But before I get down to the actual ads, I feel like there is a lot of research to be discussed in a historical context to get a general background of tattooing and its perception specifically regarding women and also in comparison to men.

Just as a little background information, I'm Ashley and yes.... I do have tattoos of my own. Two to be exact. Also, I come from a somewhat heavily tattooed family background, so I love the culture in all aspects. My mom for example has 7 fairly large tattoos! I hope that throughout the semester this continues to be an interesting topic of study and that you'll get a different insight too!

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